We are the PWR Solar Boat Team sponsor. We got an interesting article from them. we invite you to read it.
Since the beginning of the year we work on the design of photovoltaic system, prototype of the hydrofoils mechanism and development of the CAN network that will serve as communication mean between all the modules in the vessel. We also have a chance to learn to use the ETECH powerful main propulsion motor, that was delivered to us in the end of 2019. It will serve as the source of power that will hopefully drive our boat to speeds allowing to fly above the water – straight for the championship in the upcoming races.
In case of the solar photovoltaic system we aim to optimally distribute the cells on the top deck, so it works out for both sets of requirements, first for USA (480Wp for Solar Splash, Ohio) and second for Netherlands (6m2).
Apart from that we have developed two test stations that – first – serve us big time when it comes to simulate the operation of hydrofoil system in 1:1 model and, second – two keels independent immersion measurement with possibility to associate the immersion data with angular boat position.
The hydrofoil station allows us to check the validity of motor-bearings-arm-tension rod-foil system motion efficiency. We can make it as smooth and aligned as possible before putting it in the boat – where maneuverability will be limited by other components and electrical equipment.
About the works on our ETECH motor – we are working on integration of our communication system with motor-controller-embedded system, ergonomic positioning of thrust shifter, LCD screen, construction-friendly motor controller in-vessel assembly and finally reliable motor montage.
We invite you to see our facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PWrSolarBoatTeam, where we share our progress and how are we doing.